{{lang == 'chinese' ? '加載中...' : 'Loading...'}}
{{lang == 'chinese' ? '自提點代碼' : 'KE CODE'}} {{s.kehk_id}}
{{lang == 'chinese' ? '服務供應商' : 'Service Provider'}} {{s.srvprov_en}} {{s.srvprov}}
{{lang == 'chinese' ? '類型' : 'Type'}} {{s.type_en}} {{s.type}}
{{lang == 'chinese' ? '地區' : 'District'}} {{s.district_en}} - {{s.area_en}} {{s.district}} - {{s.area}}
{{lang == 'chinese' ? '地址' : 'Address'}} {{s.address_en}} {{s.address}}
{{lang == 'chinese' ? '開放時間' : 'Opening Hours'}} {{s.webophr_en}} {{s.webophr}}
{{lang == 'chinese' ? '預計送達' : 'Arrival Time'}} {{s.eta_en}} {{s.eta}}
{{lang == 'chinese' ? '包裹限制' : 'Limitation'}} {{s.limit_en}} {{s.limit}}
{{lang == 'chinese' ? '在谷歌地圖中瀏覽' : 'View In Google Map'}}

{{lang == 'chinese' ? '各自提點資訊' : 'Stores Location'}}

{{lang == 'chinese' ? '搜尋最就近的自提點,取貨輕鬆又快捷。' : 'Find the nearest pickup point to pick up your order at ease.'}}

{{lang == 'chinese' ? '搜尋' : 'Search'}}
{{s.srvprov_en}} {{s.srvprov}} {{s.district_en}}
{{s.address_en}} {{s.address}}
{{lang == 'chinese' ? '無法查到到相關自提點資訊' : 'No more Locations!'}}

{{lang == 'chinese' ? '備註:' : 'Remarks:'}}

The parcel is generally shipped according to the order sequence within 2-3 working days (except outlying islands and certain areas); the actual time of arrival may vary due to adverse weather conditions or any unexpected circumstances. Please refer to the pick-up notification.


Call Us 3513 0888