{{lang == 'chinese'?'加載中...':'Loading...'}}

{{lang == 'chinese'?'您的運單資訊':'Your Tracking Info'}} :

: {{trackingno}}
: {{info.Info.Phoneno}}

Choose your nearest self-pickup point at below: 請選擇你就近的自取點:

{{s.storenm_en}} {{s.storename}}
{{lang == 'chinese'? s.storename : s.storenm_en}}
{{lang == 'chinese'?'自提點地址':'Address'}} {{s.address_en}} {{s.address}}
{{lang == 'chinese'?'聯絡電話':'Tel'}} {{s.contact}}
{{lang == 'chinese'?'營業時間':'Open'}} {{s.openhr}}
{{lang == 'chinese'?'在谷歌地圖中瀏覽':'View In Google Map'}} {{lang == 'chinese'?'選擇此店提貨':'SELECT'}}



1. Our standard delivery service hour is 09:00 – 18:00 for Monday to Saturday except public holidays. To receive parcel much easier with flexible time arrangement, you can choose self-pickup service.

2. Recipient must pick up parcels at specified location within a specific window of time after receiving the SMS notification. If customers wish to rearrange pickup for overdue parcels, please call our Customer Service Hotline (852) 3513 0888.

3. Locations and operation hours may change. For any inquiries, please call our Customer Service Hotline (852) 3513 0888.
1. 嘉里快遞的派送時間為: 星期一至星期六,上午九時至下午六時(公眾假期除外) ,如想收件更輕鬆時間更彈性,可選擇自取服務。

2. 客戶將會收到通知取件短訊,需於收到後指定時間內自取回點位置提取包裹,逾期的包裹會退回嘉里快遞分揀中心。客戶請致電客戶服務熱線(852) 3513 0888,重新安排取件。

3. 自取點位置,工作時間和開放時間更改,如有疑問,請致電客戶服務熱線(852) 3513 0888。
Call Us 3513 0888