KE/SF Service FAQ

How do we pay for the shipping fee?

We will provide customers with an exclusive account number to use when placing orders through SF Express's self-service electronic system. Simply select "Bill Shipper" as the payment method for the delivery fee before completing the order and enter the exclusive account number.

How can customers place orders?

Visit the SFHK website for self-service electronic ordering


Visit the SFHK website for self-service electronic ordering

Download the SFHK APP
scan the QR code to download

Simply place an order in SFHK APP, please refer to the provided steps

How can I use SF Express's self-service electronic ordering service?

For a tutorial video on sending parcels through SF Express Hong Kong's SFHK APP, click here.

For step-by-step instructions on sending parcels through SF Express Hong Kong's SFHK APP, click here.

Is it possible to send non-local items?

Yes, currently this dedicated account is only open for local delivery services.
If the sender accidentally hands over a package meant for overseas delivery to an SF Express courier, and it has already been dispatched to an overseas destination, the corresponding courier fee will be calculated according to the Hong Kong Export International Parcel Rate table published on the SF Express official website. This will be in compliance with SF Express's relevant terms and conditions for consignment.

Is the express service for one-way delivery only?

Yes, the current delivery service is charged for one-way service. An additional fee of HKD 10 will be charged per shipment for return service after signing, applicable to documents weighing 0.5 kg or less.

Are there additional fees for delivery to remote and island areas?

Yes, there are additional fees for delivery to remote and island areas, following the existing contract terms. Standard receiving and/or door-to-door delivery will be adjusted according to SF Hong Kong's policy.

How to prepare your parcel for shipping?

Yes, when sending, we ask customers to use appropriate packaging materials to protect the items themselves, ensuring secure and proper packaging.
The packaging method can be referred to at:

  • For what constitutes appropriate packaging, we will defer to the judgment of SF Express staff on-site.
  • For packaging guidelines, please refer to SF Express's packaging guide:

Appropriate packaging is essential to prevent damage or loss of items during transportation, as well as to guard against issues such as moisture and deterioration caused by placement, friction, vibration, air pressure, and temperature changes. It also contributes to the safety of operating personnel, preventing contamination of transportation equipment, ground facilities, and other items. Packaging should not only be suitable for the nature, condition, and weight of the items but also maintain cleanliness and dryness without any odors or stains. The external surface should not have protruding nails, hooks, or sharp objects to facilitate handling, loading, unloading, and stacking.

Here are some packaging suggestions:

  • Items that can be directly placed in shipping bags: Non-fragile items (such as clothes, stuffed animals, paper goods, etc.).
  • Items that need simple cushioning packaging: Non-fragile items with simple outer packaging (such as electronics, stationery, toys, etc.).
  • Items that need proper packaging: Fragile, easily damaged, or valuable items (such as glass, liquids, canned goods, watches, ceramics, etc.).

Regardless of whether the shipper has notified Kerry Express of the above items, Kerry Express is not responsible for any loss, damage, or consequences arising from delays in transportation of the above items.

Why do we need to switch from KE to SF? Can we choose?

We apologize; the current practice of switching suppliers aims to optimize company resources and enhance the delivery experience for customers. Clients are recommended to make the switch.

  • With the consent of corporate customers, Kerry Express (Hong Kong) will offer and exclusive SF sub-account to exempt customers from administrative procedures.
  • Customers can freely select the SF online platform or SFHK APP (SF Express App) to place orders and track the status of shipment to enhance delivery experience.
  • More than 1000 SF Express stations, lockers and cooperative self-pickup stores have been opened for customers to choose from.
  • Enhance the delivery service in the outlying island area, increase the delivery capacity to 2-3 times a week. Support the SF station, smart locker self-pickup service in the outlying island area and subject to SF Express Hong Kong policies.

Will there be any difference in delivery after customers switch to SF?

No, the service and standards will remain the same. Delivery times are based on the current practice of receiving during the day in commercial areas and delivering the next working day in residential areas. For other locations, customers can inquire with our customer service department.

When encountering tracing or other inquiries, should customers contact KE or SF Customer Service?

For all inquiries and tracing, customers should call 35130888 or email our KE customer service.

When customers place an order, can they use SF self-pickup points or lockers?

Yes, customers can use more than 1000 SF self-pickup points, lockers, or convenience store locations for self-pickup. Details are available on our official Kerry Express website.

If there is damage/loss/delay, what is the responsibility for tracing?

The tracing responsibility process will follow SF's service terms and conditions. In the event of the above incidents, customers can contact SF or our KE customer service, and we will assist the customer.

Will there be any difference in special area charges for the new contract?

The charges for the new contract will not differ much from the existing contract. The main difference is that there will be a HKD $10 service fee for each document sent and returned. For detailed charges, refer to the new service contract provided or contact our customer service department.

If customers already have an SF account, what should they do?

If customers already have an SF user account, we recommend continuing to use the company account for ordering. Thank you for the continuous support of Kerry Express.

How to print the waybill? Can SF store labels be used to place an order?

Customers can place orders through the SF platform, mobile app, etc.

How will the order status be displayed?

The latest order status can be checked in real-time through the mobile app, official website, or by contacting customer service personnel.

After switching to SF, are the packaging methods and materials the same as SF standards and provided by them?

Yes, when sending, we ask customers to use appropriate packaging materials to protect the items themselves, ensuring secure and proper packaging. The packaging method can be referred to at:

  • For what constitutes appropriate packaging, we will defer to the judgment of SF Express staff on-site.
  • For packaging guidelines, please refer to SF Express's packaging guide:

For packaging materials and prices, please visit the website

If the return item weighs more than 0.5 KG, will there be additional charges or will it be continued to weigh?

Return document weight includes only 0.5 kg or less.

Does the return service for special services on the shipping order require an HKD10 return fee?

No, the return service fee for special services already includes the HKD10 return fee.

If switching to SF receiving service, will regular receiving service be provided?

No, regular receiving service will not be provided.